I have been working for a while on creative development of the website, new images and development of my work. A long process that has been fun and frustrating to organise, but ultimately worth the effort.

To date I have been abl to work with some amazing models and have a few more shoots and plans in development.  Including a shoot this weekend with a new male model to the scene Ayush. 


Working together we plan to create some simple headshots and a more dynamic face paint oriented shot. 


Later this month I am looking at utilsing some of my skills in film make up to create a short video specifcially for youtube and my website.  A double entry of beauty work and a gore shoot, taking you through the steps ogf the make up application using "out of the kit" materials and working in urban area's. 


The locaqtion for now will be kept a secret, we want to make this a fantastic show case and share it all soon.