Over the next month I will be making massive changes to the  way things are run here at JamesC. New workshops will be added in January and will be available throughout the year.  Two of the main ones on offer will be designed for the clients and their needs. Moving forward with classes that will be working along side my current slate of projects in the commercial, corporate and private sector.  


Beauty is ageless, designed for women who want to learn simple make up techniques and experiment with the safety net of having a pro make up artist on hand to help them through.  Demonstrating basic make up techniques and showing the class the tips and tricks of a professional.  

Professional dvelopment class.  Professional development is something I am a firm believer in.  Constantly working to update my skills and bring new clients to my company.  I want to share the techniques and skills that I have learned over 11 years in corporate, commercial and fashion.  I will share those professional skills with you.  Showing you the latest techniques, global make up application allowing you to attract new and varied clients.  This class can be tailored to your needs from media and fashion skills to bridal and special occasions.  Two options in one very crucial area: business.  


All services will be offfered in conjunction with JJ Media and Designs the new umbrella company of my business.