I am really unhappy with the current weather and working climate here in Scotland. Seeing alot of changes and what I can only describe as a total lack of business savvy. People are no longer making any kind of effort to work for the credits but are giving away their time and energy for print and film work. Low balling is pointless and you will never be able to raise your prices.
I have been slated for having an opinion that doesn't match others. As many of you know I am believer in hard work, for me commercial, corporate and workshops are bread and butter but here in Scotland I am seeing people offer that service for free just to get a foot in the door and it doesn't work. So I am now in talks with a few new people and working with my agency (www.mercury10.in) to redevelop my plans and will be alot more selective. .
Sometimes I am truly amazed at the response to my work in Europe and Asia and I am extremely flattered, having recently received some really positive feedback from clients I am going to work on the redevelopment and focus on the quality of the work rather than the quantity. I will still be accepting books but through the agency.